In the summer of 1997, Letha Rodman and Clare Hawley had a "harebrained idea to put a sit-com on Public Access TV." Sometimes, Harebrained ideas, not unlike dreams, get worked on until they become a reality.

What we have here is what was to be the first of an eight episode series. Where are the other seven? Well, after finding how hard it was to make one episode, the others are a bit slow in the coming.

Apartment 6 follows around the inhabitants of said apartment. A starving (Literally. He gets excited when he finds a sausage on the street.) film director (Michael Portney, AKA Soy Bomb. That guy from the grammies), A wannabe psychologist with phallic visions of her own (Mary Skinner) and a dominatrix who forgets to bring meat to a butcher fantasy (Pheobe Smith -Buls). Rounding out the cast are Joe Fiorentino, Clare Hawley, Dick Dahl, Kathy Calista, Josh Deutch, Ivan Lerner, Kevin Smith, Nick Nelson and Leon.

This show has stuff only Fox would carry: Big Cocks, cock telephones, chemically-treated game hens. Even spilled coffee!

Call NBC now and tell them to put it on where Seinfield used to be! Or better yet, own a copy for yourself on VHS. You can order it directly from Letha herself for only $14.00 plus $3.00 Shipping.

Letha Rodman
528 E 13th St. #56
NY NY 10009

Coming soon: Some video stills from the show.

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