"I don't believe in destroying GOOD mysteries or adding to BAD
Born 16th February 1962. In Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, England, as
Geoffrey Laurence Burton. Rushton is the Sir-name of his step-father and
Rushton was the surname he carried thru school etc.
Coil co-founder, writer, producer, remixer, has been a member of 23
Skidoo, Psychic TV, Zos Kia, and Current 93.
John met Peter Christopherson, as a teenager and being a big fan of
Throbbing Gristle and attended the live recording of Heathen Earth. Throbbing Gristle
performed at Oundle School, but John was attending Lord Williams in Thame Oxforshire,
contrary to rumors that John arranged for TG to perform at his school.
John and Peter started to officially work as Coil on May 11, 1983 after working
together as members of Psychic TV.
"COIL would very much like to see the creation of a newsgroup for minimal
musics. We enjoy a wide spectrum of such musics, from La Monte Young, Alvin
Lucier, Arvo Part, Nurse With Wound's Solilique For Lilith,The Dream Syndicate
(orig.concept not the newer group who plundered the name) to Synus, Earth and so
on.and on and on. Some new so called ambient musics fall between genres and so
between newsgroups: some of our own music has certainly been deeply inspired by
and informed by such musics,from Partch to Subotnic." - John Balance and
Jenni De'Ath of COIL

"We have obviously done a whole range of substances in the past. We have never
made a secret of this. Love's Secret Domain was a speed and MDMA fueled
session.No LSD was ingested while making this recording. I personally havn't
taken anything like that for more than several years. It's so nice to
travelling but oH so much nicer to come home. No cannabis, no speed, no
nothing.No alcohol, as a rule, but as people know I have had had problems with
this in the past and keep away as much as I possibly can. So am I straight edge
now? I suppose I am. And very , very happy to be this way. ALL of COIL members
are like this at the moment (and Danny Hyde too). It's just come about naturally.
When we've been so far out for so long the only place left to go is back around
again. Personally I've been getting my highs from getting up at 5.30 am every
day, buying a hardcore Industrial Masticator(juicer) and drinking freshly made
organic fruit and vegetable juices, starting Hatha Yoga again (a lapsed teenage
practise) and am thinking of getting into Colonic Irrigation. Ahhhhh From
the eyeball to the Anus. Blue Sky Eye to Blind Eye. All of the above are
practical ways to expand the conciousness. I dislike numbing substances. We have
lost so many friends to cocaine and heroin, either via death or just Puppetlife!
Self-Love and safe exploration amongst trusted and well loved companions is the
way to go, whatever route one chooses to take."