8 Second Date Records

It's not easy to like weird music, so we understand that when meeting someone new, tact must be employed in order to get to the next level. Here's our list of albums that are safer to introduce once you and the new friend have gotten to know each other better.

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10126 Hits

12 Neglected Soundtracks

Do you have Oscar Fever? Probably not if you're reading brainwashed.com, but once again Hollywood has managed to engage in their yearly ritual of televised autofellatio. Here we present to you our picks of soundtracks that have, as far as we know, have gone unrecognized in internationally broadcast award ceremonies.

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10840 Hits

8 Records To Hide In The Cold To

Pretty much everybody in the northern hemisphere is sick of this winter, with all the snow, ice, rain, much, mayhem, and misery. Fortunately springtime is on its way, but until now, we present records to spend your time with, hidden away, avoiding the mess.

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9244 Hits

9 Albums For Olympic Spectating

Nobody wants to put up with the crappy music choices that the networks shove down our throats when we watch sport competition. In order to break free from the tyranny of the rampant commercialism, Brainwashed staff have chosen the BEST recordings to soundtrack your enjoyment of cold sport watching.

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9703 Hits

7 Valentines Day Records

Love is in the air and Brainwashed knows how important it is to set the mood for the perfect evening. This is why we are proud to present our list of recommendations that are sure to make that day extra special, with a soundtrack to provide a memorable time for you and the one dearest to your heart.

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9721 Hits